
Windows C/C++ einfaches CreateThread Beispiel

Hier ein einfaches Beispiel um in Windows einen Thread zu kreieren.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

bool g_bThreadDone;

DWORD WINAPI threadFunction(void *pParam)
  int* piSampleParam = static_cast<int*>(pParam);
  printf("Thread started with param: %d\n", *piSampleParam);
  g_bThreadDone = true;
  return 0;

int main(int iArgc, char** ppcArgv)
  int iReturn = 0;
  g_bThreadDone = false;
  DWORD uiThredId;
  int iSampleParam = 100;
  HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, threadFunction, &iSampleParam, 0, &uiThredId);
  if (hThread != NULL)
    while (g_bThreadDone == false)
      printf("Waiting for thread done\n");
      // Give thread time to run!
    printf("Thread closed\n");
    iReturn = -1;
    printf("Failed to start thread\n");
  return iReturn;