
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank

Alara Reborn

Nulltread Gargantuan 
Creature — Beast 
When Nulltread Gargantuan enters the battlefield, put a creature you control on top of its owner's library.  It crushes all underfoot, yet leaves no trace of its passage—no trampled debris, no flattened souls, not even a hoofprint.
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Lang Name
cn 无踪巨兽
de Spurloser Gargantua
en Nulltread Gargantuan
es Gargantúa rastro nulo
fr Gargantuesque nulletrace
it Mastodonte Senza Traccia
jp 虚無跡のガルガンチュアン
pt Gargantua da Pegada Invisível
ru Бесследный Исполин