
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank

Magic 2013

Merfolk of the Pearl Trident 
  "The merfolk of the Pearl Trident have risen from the waves since the earliest days, at times allies to humans, other times enemies. Now their power is cresting again, and who can say which way the new tide will flow." —Kalis, Onean scholar
Lang Name
cn 珍珠三叉戟人鱼
de Meervolk des Perlendreizacks
en Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
es Tritones del Tridente Perlado
fr Ondin du Trident de perles
it Tritone dal Tridente Perlaceo
jp 真珠三叉矛の人魚
pt Tritões do Tridente Perolado
ru Мерфолк Жемчужного Трезубца