
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank

Blick in die Zukunft

Frenzy Sliver 
Creature — Sliver 
All Sliver creatures have frenzy 1. [i](Whenever a Sliver attacks and isn't blocked, it gets +1/+0 until end of turn.)[/i]  The Arturan conjurers took the strange, alien fossil and patterned their own twisted creations in its image.
Lang Name
cn 狂热裂片妖
de Kampfrauschremasuri
en Frenzy Sliver
es Fragmentado del frenesí
fr Slivoïde frénétique
it Tramutante della Frenesia
jp 激情スリヴァー
pt Fractius Frenético
ru Безумная Щепка