
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank

Magic 2011

Gargoyle Sentinel 
Artifact Creature — Gargoyle 
Defender (This creature can't attack.) [3]: Until end of turn, Gargoyle Sentinel loses defender and gains flying.  "Do not mistake a quiet rampart for one that is unguarded. Some things stir only when they need to."—Bonovar, siege commander
Lang Name
cn 哨兵石像鬼
de Wachposten-Gargoyle
en Gargoyle Sentinel
es Gárgola centinela
fr Sentinelle gargouille
it Gargoyle Sentinella
jp ガーゴイルの歩哨
pt Sentinela Gárgula
ru Горгулья-Страж