
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank

Ravnica: Stadt der Gilden

Sabertooth Alley Cat 
Creature — Cat 
Sabertooth Alley Cat attacks each turn if able. [1][R]: Creatures without defender can't block Sabertooth Alley Cat this turn.  It has eight lives' worth of hunger to satisfy.
Lang Name
cn 剑齿流浪猫
de Säbelzahn-Straßenkatze
en Sabertooth Alley Cat
es Gato dientes de sable urbano
fr Chat de gouttière à dents de sabre
it Gattaccio Denti a Sciabola
jp 野良剣歯猫
pt Gato Dente de Sabre
ru Саблезубый уличный кот