
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank

Ravnica: Stadt der Gilden

Undercity Shade 
Creature — Shade 
Fear (This creature can't be blocked except by artifact creatures and/or black creatures.) [B]: Undercity Shade gets +1/+1 until end of turn.  Officially, there's nothing under that bridge to hunt . . . Unofficially, my torchers are too terrified to go there after nightfall. - Agrus Kos
Lang Name
cn 地底城阴魂
de Unterstadtschatten
en Undercity Shade
es Sombra de la Subciudad
fr Ombre de la Citerraine
it Bruma della Città Sepolta
jp 地底街の影
pt Sombra do Submundo
ru Тень из Подземного города