
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank


Manaforge Cinder 
Creature — Elemental Shaman 
[1]: Add [B] or [R] to your mana pool. Activate this ability no more than three times each turn.  Cinder mystics set traps for sluaghs and other spirits of flame, seeking to extract the secrets of the fire their own hearts have lost.
Lang Name
cn 魔铸烬身
de Manaschmelzen-Rußwesen
en Manaforge Cinder
es Cenicienta forja de maná
fr Scoriacée forgemana
it Forgiamana Cinerea
jp 魔力炉の燃えがら
pt Cinzeríneo Forja-Mana
ru Золовик, Кузнец Маны