
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank

Die Narben von Mirrodin

Razorverge Thicket 
Razorverge Thicket enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. [T]: Add [G] or [W] to your mana pool.  Where the Razor Fields beat back the Tangle, the crowded thicket yields to bright scimitars of grass.
Lang Name
cn 锐草陲灌丛
de Rasierklingengestrüpp
en Razorverge Thicket
es Maleza Bordenavaja
fr Halliers à l'Orée des Rasoirs
it Boschetto del Bordo Tagliente
jp 剃刀境の茂み
pt Bosque das Margens Cortantes
ru Заросли Бритвенной Травы