
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank

Die Narben von Mirrodin

Snapsail Glider 
Artifact Creature — Construct 
Metalcraft - Snapsail Glider has flying as long as you control three or more artifacts.  Built from a reconfigured thresher, it charges with light reflected off the golden plain, ready to take to the air in case of danger.
Lang Name
cn 弹帆滑翔翼
de Klappsegelgleiter
en Snapsail Glider
es Deslizador velachasquido
fr Planeur claquevoile
it Aliante con Vele a Scatto
jp 嵌め乗りの滑空者
pt Planador de Aerovelas
ru Летяга Щелкающих Парусов