
Magic: the Gathering - Datenbank


Fungus Sliver 
Creature — Fungus Sliver 
All Sliver creatures have "Whenever this creature is dealt damage, put a +1/+1 counter on it." (The damage is dealt before the counter is put on.)  "When a sliver of this breed enters the hive, the others claw each other in frenzied fits, thereby ensuring their rapid growth." —Rukarumel, field journal
Lang Name
cn 真菌裂片妖
de Pilzremasuri
en Fungus Sliver
es Fragmentado fungoso
fr Slivoïde fongoïde
it Tramutante Fungus
jp 菌類スリヴァー
pt Fractius do Fungo
ru Плесневая Щепка